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Atago Forest and Green Protection Association
Flowers in Atago-yama - 1
The flowers are categorized by season according to the best time to see them. Trees and others are separated, but images with flowers and fruits are also displayed by season. The plant names are listed below, and the seasons are distinguished by the color of the mark, but you can move to the image & description of the plant by clicking the species name.
ナガミノヒナゲシ ナツフジ(樹木) ニワゼキショウ
ネジバナ ノアザミ ノハカタカラクサ
ノボロギク ハハコグサ ヒメウズ
ヒメツルソバ フウトウカズラ(樹木) フデリンドウ
フラサバソウ ミツカドネギ ミドリハコベ
ミミナグサ ムベ ムラサキケマン
ヤエムグラ ヤエヤマブキ(樹木) ヤブニンジン
ヤマブキ(樹木) レンギョウ ワラビ
© Atago Forest and Green Protection Association
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