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Atago Forest and Green Protection Association

Green oasis

Fukuoka City  Introducing Mt. Atago

To the west of central Fukuoka, near the mouth of the Muromi River, a small mountain with dark greenery is surrounded by a residential area and floats like a small island. This is Mt. Atago (elevation 68m, former name: Mt. Washio, Mt. Urayama), a green island in Fukuoka City. From the precincts of Atago Shrine on the mountaintop, you can overlook Hakata Bay and the center of Fukuoka City, and it is also a place of relaxation for the citizens. Although it is a green Atago mountain area, its area is about 21 hectares (more than 10 m above sea level). However, the special green area conservation area designated to protect greenery is only a little over one-fifth of this, 4.5 hectares.

Although it is located in the city, it is a valuable place covered with large trees of laurel forest such as Castanopsis sieboldii, Ilex rotunda, and wild boar, and the rich nature that infests wild boars remains. It is also a place colored by history, such as the excavation of temples and shrines such as, and the prewar Atago Otojiro Coal Mine.

However, on the other hand, in recent years, the wave of development has slowed down, the greenery has decreased, the nesting sites for egrets and gray herons have been lost, and the Atagoyama tumulus has disappeared due to the construction of a large condominium. We are in a critical situation where precious ruins are being lost one after another.



© Atago Forest and Green Protection Association

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