Atago Forest and Green Protection Association
Bird Photo Studio-Birds Seen at Mt. Atago (3)
Black kite. Accipitriformes, Accipitridae, Milvus. The total length is 60 to 65 cm, and the wingspan is 150 to 160 cm. The most familiar bird of prey. The body color is brown in the distance, but white is mixed in a mottled manner. The beak is whitish. It can be distinguished from a crow by its size, its body color, and its flying shape. With almost no flapping, it glide in a circle by grasping the updraft well. Topography such as Mt. Atago is prone to updrafts, so it gathers.
Black-backed Wagtail
White wagtail. Passerine Motacillidae. Inhabited only in Hokkaido in the 1930s. After that, the distribution expanded, and today it is also distributed in Kyushu. It is a bird that adapts to the artificial environment, and even on Mt. Atago, it is often seen on the road that it has a tail that is characteristic of Wagtails.
Is the image on the right a hybrid with the black-backed wagtail? The difference is the presence or absence of hypereyeliner (black streaks in front and behind the eyes), but this individual has no streaks only in the front.
嘴細烏。スズメ目カラス科カラス属。雑食性。体長は50センチ程度で、平地や低い山で普通に見られる。 これに似たハシブトカラスはやや大きめで上嘴が曲がっている
(Click to enlarge part)
Carrion Crow
Beak crow. Passerine Crow family Crow genus. The total length is 50 cm. It is usually seen on flat ground and low mountains, but it seems to be pushed by the Jungle Crow, which is slightly larger and has a bent beak. Omnivore. Sometimes they aim for heron eggs and chicks.
Bulbul. A familiar wild bird of the genus Hypsipetes in the family Passerine. The total length is around 28 cm. There are many subspecies, but the brown color from the back of the eyes to the cheeks is characteristic. Heyyo, heyyo and high-pitched, prefer the nectar of flowers such as camellia. I also eat fruits and insects. If you leave a piece of mandarin orange or apple in the garden, it will come immediately. It gets used very well when raised from pups.
Olive-backed pipit
Flight pursuit. Passerine Motacillidae, genus Pipits. Body length 15-16 cm. It breeds in the mountains north of Shikoku and comes to warm regions in winter. The greenish brown color from the top of the head to the back is summer feathers. Frequent vertical swinging of the tail is a characteristic of the Motacillidae.