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Atago Forest and Green Protection Association

Bird Photo Studio-Birds Seen at Mt. Atago (2)

Great tit

chickadee. Passerine Tit family Tit genus. It features a white cheek and a black tie (wide is male). It is about the size of a sparrow and has a total length of about 13 to 16 cm. The cry repeats with a high-pitched voice such as Chitchi, Jukujuku, Zippy, Peatsupi, and Jijijiji. It has been found to have the ability to combine words to create and convey sentences.

Daurian Redstart

Lieutenant fire. Passerine Flycatcher. A typical winter bird, a migratory bird with a total length of about 15 cm that comes to Japan for wintering. The image is a male taken in November. The female is grayish brown overall. "Lord" is named because it has silver hair and "fire" is similar to the sound of a flint. It is also called a "crested bird" because of the white pattern on its wings.

Pale thrush

White belly. Passerine Thrush family Thrush genus. The body length is about 25 cm. The upper part is taupe and the belly is whitish, which is the origin of the name. The yellow color of the lower half of the beak is characteristic. Similar to Akahara, but Akahara has an orange chest to belly. Migratory as a winter bird. Forbidden bird. It is an omnivorous food that catches insects and earthworms on the ground, but also eats nuts. It squeaks in the ground, but there are various songs.

Greater scaup

Suzukamo. Waterfowl, Anatidae, Diving ducks. Females are sober throughout the year, but males become flashy black and white during the breeding season. The female beak has a characteristic pattern. It was named because the sound it makes when it flies is like a bell. Very similar to the tufted duck, but distinguishable by the presence or absence of crests (plumes on the head) (not in the Greater scaup). Taken at the mouth of the Muromi River at the foot of Mt. Atago.

Red-billed leopard

Red-billed leiothrix. Passerine Babbler. It is designated as a specific alien species and is included in the "100 Worst Invasive Alien Species in Japan". In the 1980s, imports from China as pets increased sharply, and they fled or were abandoned (released birds) and became wild. Pet breeding is currently prohibited. It is thought to destroy native species such as warblers, robins, and white-eyes, and to disrupt the ecosystem by feeding insects. The total length is about 15 cm. He likes bushes and imitates the chirping of other birds.

Great egret

Great egret. Ciconiiformes Heronidae Great Heron genus. The largest of the egrets. It is about 90 cm long and slightly smaller than a gray heron. Same color for both sexes. During the breeding season (spring to early summer), the beak turns black and the eyes turn green. This marital color is the characteristic of Great Egret. In this season, they nest together with other herons. In other seasons, the beak and eyes are yellow and there are no decorative wings. Another feature of the Great Egret is that its proboscis extends from under the eyes to the back, which is a decisive factor in distinguishing it from other herons.

Rock pigeon

Rock pigeon. Columbiformes, Columbidae. The total length is about 33 cm. A wild rock pigeon for pets. As you know, it's a part of shrines. Targeted for harmful extermination in "Japan's 100 Worst Invasive Alien Species". There is a need to refrain from feeding. No comment below.

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